Side With Love Squads:

Building a Field Team for Our Faith!

how do i make a future of justice an irresistible option?
— adrienne marie brown

One of our answers lies in the Side with Love Squads – a community of humble, faithful, fun, always-learning, do-ers who each do what we can to advance a future of justice that is irresistible.

Our Squads are the volunteer backbone of the Action Center. Squad volunteers bring our campaigns to life with the background work that makes it possible for Unitarian Universalists and friends to take action and build community for a just, equitable, and multiracial democracy.

Join a Squad

Fill out our Squad Commitment Form

We will help you find the right role for you, right now. We invite and expect everyone who joins a squad to bite off a piece that is right for you -- that is engaging and fun and helps you grow, but isn’t overwhelming. Move into deeper engagement when you have energy and capacity. Take a break when life calls you elsewhere.

Squad Norms and Values

Faithful space. We ground in spiritual practices and live out our Unitarian Universalist community of faith in love and practice to bring about beloved community in our wider world

Doing space. Join us because you are doing work with a squad or are trying to figure out where to fit in and how to get engaged.

Learning space. We are all learning all the time! We share our questions and help one another learn new skills. Everyone has things to learn and things to teach. Bring your humility and curiosity.

Shared space. We are leader-full group with space for you! Most everything we do is done with others (e.g, a team runs each phonebank or meeting, not just one person).

Space where we Center the Margins. We recognize that we all hold an intersection of privileged and historically marginalized identities. In this group, we will center and listen to the voices of those with marginalized identities. We will all aim to be radically inclusive and not cause harm. However, harm will happen. When it does, we will address it with honesty and compassion.

Non-Partisan space. We work within the context of congregations and the UUA that are legally bound to be non-partisan. We can and do take strong positions on all sorts of issues that are grounded in our Unitarian Universalist faith, but we cannot take positions on candidates or political parties.

To live out these values, Action Center Squad Leadership will:

→ Welcome you: ask us questions as you arrive and get oriented!

→ Remind you of these norms periodically and invite us back when we (inevitably) stray from them

→ Help you find the right role for you, right now.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
— The Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman